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Eileen Napaltjarri

Eileen Napaltjarri
Eileen is the daughter of Tatali Nangala, and, Tararu Tjunurrayi, she was born in the Haasts Bluff community in 1956. Her father, Charlie was one of the founding members of the Papunya Tula Artists. Her mother Tatali Nangala is a very successful Papunya artist. Eileen grew up in Haasts Bluff, but moved to Kintore with her family, once the outstation there had been established.
The main site that Eileen refers to in her painting is Tjiturrulnga, which is slightly west of Kintore and also the birth place of her father. Eileen was influenced by the paintings of both her parents and often sat and watched them as they painted. In 1999 Eileen began to paint regularly for the Papunya Tula Artists, and she has been named as a top 50 Australian Collectable Artist 2008.

Artworks By Eileen Napaltjarri

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